Analytics / Methods


All experiments and manipulations are carried out under argon. Reactions are performed by using standard Schlenk techniques and dried, thoroughly deoxygenated solvents.

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Our analytical investigations are performed on the following instruments:

NMR-spektra are recorded on Jeol GSX-270 and Jeol EX-400 spectrometers.

To record infrared spectra a Nicolet 520 FT-IR-spektrometer is used. Solid substances are measured in Nujol between KBr-windows.

The elemental analyses is performed on a Elementar Vario EL analyser.

Mass-spektrometric investigations are carried out on a mass-spectrometer Varian MAT.

Melting-points are measured with a Büchi melting-point B-540 instrument using capillaries sealed under argon.

Atom emission spectroscopy is performed on a Varian Vista CCP simultaneous ICP-AES instrument.

Responsible for this website: Thomas Rotter