Theoretical Research

All our experimental research fields are accompanied by high-level ab initio- and DFT-calculations, especially

  • theoretical investigation of complete biomimetic and related catalytic cycles

  • calculation of reaction pathways, e. g. from α-halogenoalkyl-pyridinium salts via bis-thia- diazolo-triazinium cations to guanidines and to bis-triazolo-triazium cations [SN(ANRORC) mechanisms] under inclusion of thermochemical corrections and solvent effects

  • calculation of 13C-NMR spectra

  • application of a novel quantitative reactivity model for nucleophilic cations such as [LnZn-XH]+ (X = O, S)

  • CO2 fixation and activation by Li+- and Zn+-complexes

  • quantitative determination of structure-energy-relationships responsible for stereoelectronic effects

Our computational works are mainly performed using Gaussian 03TM and MolPro2002.6.

Currently, we have access to the following computer systems:

  • Cluster of 1x HP rx2600 (1 CPU Itanium2TM) and 4x HP rx5670 (4 CPU Itanium2TM each)
  • HP SuperdomeTM (64 CPU HP PA-RISC, 128 GB RAM)
  • HP RP 7410TM (8 CPU HP PA-RISC, 32GB RAM)
  • 2x HP RP 5470TM (4 CPU HP PA-RISC, 16GB RAM)