Experimental Research

  • Synthesis of novel classes of cationic and anionic heterocyclic compounds with a wide variety of application in organic, bio-organic/bio-inorganic und physical-organic fields

  • investigation of reaction mechanisms, especially of spontaneous multi-step reaction cascades in multi-component reactions which lead to (isolable) synthetic building blocks

  • investigation of enzymatic processes, especially of catalytic cycles at the active centers of metal containing enzymes and their synthetic analogues

  • investigation and application of stereoelectronic effects as useful tools in organic synthesis

  • application of nitrogen and phosphor ylids in synthesis

  • development of new synthetic pathways using metalated structures (Li, Zn, Mg, Fe) in order to activate heterocumulenes such as CO2, COS, R-NCO, R-NCS etc. and their application in more technical fields (e.g. for copolymerization reactions) under inclusion of chiral compounds, especially chiral lithium carbamates

  • high-level mechanistic NMR investigations to explore the structure and reaction behavior of metal-organic compounds in solution

  • design and synthesis of novel ligands for biomimetic metal complexes